Sunday, July 31, 2011

Islamophobia: Reading Lists ..........

1. Thinking Through Islamophobia: Global Perspectives, S Sayyid, AbdoolKarim Vakil editors, Hurst and Company London (it is published from the Columbia University Press in the USA)

2. The Challenge of Pluralism in the 21st Century, Islamophobia, John L Esposito and Ibrahim Kalin, Oxford University Press (currently reading it)

Click here for a sample of the work.

3. Islamophobia: The Ideaological Campaign Against Muslims, by Stephen Sheehi, Clarity Press

4. Islamophobia and Anti-Americanism, Causes and Remedies: edited by Mohamed Nimer

His presentation on C-SPAN is here

Last but the not the last, one of the most respected scholars within the Turkish experience, Effendi Fethullah Gullen and his movement (the Hizmet Movement, have been treated in this article)

I seriously encourage the non-Turkish Community to pay close attention to the movement of Effendi Gullen.The repurcursions that this movement has, within the larger context of the integration of Turkey with Europe cant be over emphasized. Gullen and his followers are acutely aware of this, and dont hesitate to mention this to their non Turkish muslim Ummah, that Turkey being at the cusp of Europe, has much to offer and for the Ummah to learn from their experience: since the movement combines both modern and religious education, and even judging by the success of the Islamic Sentiment in Turkey, the growth of the economy which is an accolade to the policies that the Turkish Government has, is a proof the success of this movement.